Louise Coates
Hey there!
I'm a graphic designer, illustrator and photographer based in Brighton, UK. Please browse my work at your leisure.
Illustrated Poster
Holiday on Saturn (band)
I was commissioned by electric blues band Holiday on Saturn to design their main poster, for both digital and small-scale printed distribution. Rather than for a specific gig, the aim was to create a more general ‘mood’ poster for the band - something that would reflect the band’s energy and soul.
The band focuses on bringing their audience to a kind of musical ‘bliss’ - an ‘intergalactic high’. The experience of their audience is paramount - through their music they bring a sense of freedom. The poster’s design takes place in space, and reflects this mood. The instruments played by the band (drawn as nearly identical replicas to the real-life ones) revolve around Saturn, whose face is held in a state of peaceful bliss. The poster has since been used as their main promotional material, via both digital and printed means.

Illustrated Poster 02
Jed Cutler (musician)
Following the success of my first poster for Holiday on Saturn, Jed Cutler (leader of the band) commissioned me to design an additional poster for his solo gigs. Again, this was for no gig in particular, but rather a ‘mood’ poster to convey the spirit of the musician. I was tasked with incorporating the same theme as my first poster, whilst instilling a sense of Jed’s own musical style.
The poster provides audiences a glimpse into Jed Cutler’s unique guitar style and personality. Jed uses his guitar as an escape, as a means of transporting himself and his audience to a musical freedom. The poster reflects this freedom, with Jed’s guitar transformed into a spaceship shooting off into a serene space. The colour palette is warm, reflecting the warmth surrounding his audience as he plays his music. The poster has since been used as Jed’s main promotional material, distributed mainly digitally via social media platforms.

Book Jacket Design
Fictional Brief
Creative Directors
Jessica Hische, Bill Strohacker
The task here was to re-design a book jacket cover of my choice. The cover needed to convey the spirit of the book, as well as communicate the book’s atmosphere and story. The design also had to appeal to the target audience/demographic.
I re-designed the cover of Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers on a Train, written in 1950. The novel follows two men, Guy and Bruno, whose lives become entwined after they meet one day on a train. Bruno convinces Guy they should trade murders, and a tale of chaos and overwhelming guilt ensues. The two long arms represent the novel’s two main characters, which wrap around the book from either side, meeting in the middle above the train tracks. The main colour of the book jacket, green, references the green of Penguin’s classic crime novels.

Billboard Design for Design Museum
Fictional Brief
Creative Directors
Simon Cheshire, Bill Strohacker
I was asked to visit the Design Museum in London, and design a billboard and press ad for the museum. My advertisement had to grab the viewer’s attention, and communicate a specific idea about the museum.
Upon visiting the Design Museum, the first thing that struck me
is how inspirational the place is. As you walk around, you are
consumed by design, the building itself soaking in the sounds of people’s conversations as they journey through this space. The entire building brings together all the creative energy not only of the exhibitions, but of the people who visit the museum and explore what it has to offer. My billboard design champions the museum as a ‘must-see’ destination. Passersby are invited on a journey to the museum: this is a one way ticket to inspiration. I have also created a mock-up of my press ad in a magazine, next to a sheet where a reader can tear out their own ‘ticket’ to the Design Museum.

Pattern Design
Fictional Brief
Creative Directors
Marie Rendina (Fatface, Whitestuff, House of Fraser), Bill Strohacker
I was asked to create my own repeating pattern using various digital techniques, and apply this to various surfaces that suit the pattern’s style.
The pattern I designed is reminiscent of 1960s psychedelia. The shapes flow seamlessly around one another, creating a balanced look and feel. The muted colour palette, inspired by the 1970s, provides a modern quality to this groovy pattern.

Magazine Layout/Design

Personal Project
Design the latest issue from a periodical magazine of my creation. The content must be unique, appeal to the target audience and be conceptually coherent throughout.
I have designed a fictional blues music magazine, named Twelve (after the twelve bar blues). It is a periodical magazine, a monthly exploration of the heart and soul of blues music. Each issue takes an in-depth look at blues musicians, delving into the history of a genre that has transcended time. Articles and interviews offer the reader intimate glimpses into the lives and careers of those who have dedicated themselves to the blues, sharing their stories, inspirations, and the challenges they’ve faced along the way.
This latest issue is a limited edition, and includes a ‘record sleeve’ into which the magazine slides. It brings together four legendary blues musicians: Junior Wells, Buddy Guy, Muddy Waters and B.B. King.

Invitation to Mercedes-AMG Weekend
City West Country
In-House Team
Lauren Blackler-Hinks marketing team leader
Alex Smith website and marketing specialist
Laura Henly marketing co-ordinator
As part of my work for City West Country, I was tasked with designing an A4 invitation to the Mercedes-AMG Weekend event held earlier this year. The invitation (which was to be sent out via post to customers) needed to be formatted in such a
way that, once printed, it could be folded in half, with a front cover that opened up into the invitation, and a back cover on the other side. The design needed to be clean, legible, and adhere to strict brand guidelines.
Working closely with the in-house team, I designed this invitation using brand assets and copy provided by the company. I chose the ‘hero’ image for the event, displayed on the cover of the invitation. The image’s main colour (red) is incorporated into the rest of the invitation, creating a cohesive and visually appealing design.

Roadside Billboard for Mercedes AMG-Weekend
City West Country
In-House Team
Lauren Blackler-Hinks marketing team leader
Alex Smith website and marketing specialist
Laura Henly marketing co-ordinator
As part of the Mercedes-AMG event, I was asked to design a roadside billboard that was in-keeping with the event’s overall theme. The billboard needed to be big, bold and eye-catching for those driving by.
My design features the same ‘hero’ image as in the invitations, therefore creating visual cohesion throughout the event’s marketing. The black ‘banner’ juxtaposes the image, creating a striking visual aspect, while the triangular ‘cut-out’ matches the direction of the car, and leads the eye to the text. The billboards were printed and displayed across the South West.

Logo/Character Design
Andrew Sellar
I was commissioned to design a mascot for Andrew Sellar’s upcoming YouTube channel, ‘Rebel Guitar’. The channel will feature videos of Drew’s guitar lessons and various other guitar related entertainment. Drew wanted a character to represent the channel, fierce looking and rebellious but still cute. The design will appear at the beginning of each of his videos.
I have met with Drew often to discuss the work and get a clear sense of his ideas, personality and desires. After drawing initial sketches for him, I was able to pinpoint a character design he was happy with. I then began adding in ‘Rebel Guitar’. After showing Drew some layout ideas, we settled on the design you see here. I have yet to finalise the colours. The kilt will most likely be grey and black, as this is the colour of Drew’s own kilt. A spotlight may also appear behind the character.

Branding & Identity
Fictional Brief
Creative Directors
John McFaul (Pepsi, Levi’s, New Balance, Nokia)
Bill Strohacker
Create a strong logo and brand that expresses who you are. Your personality, your likes, desires and style. You are the client here. This is you, made visual.
My brand identity represents my deepest nuances and interests, those things I do that make me who I am. My logo combines music, creativity and photography into one succinct, unique graphic. The contours of a guitar envelop the black and white keys of a piano, two instruments to which I willingly give much of my heart. The first three letters of my name, Lou, flow freely across the top of this guitar shape. The ‘L’ reaches out to a circle, which represents the viewfinder of a camera.

Stationary Mockup featuring: A4 letterhead, compliment slip (in shape of guitar pick), front & back view of business card (engraved wooden plectrum keychain)